Tag: desert

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Expansive, I-395, Willow Ranch, California, USA

Expanse ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #212

In the high desert
Where the land is wide
And the sky wider
I cross the expanse
On a knife’s edge of asphalt
Buffeted by furious headwinds

Inside my little cockpit of calm and warmth
I sing “Wassiye! Wassiye!”
With Habib Koite
A song of mirth and joy and love

Just as is the song within me
As I navigate existence
Across the expanse of being
And all its many storms

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Blackened Earth, Highway G215, Nearing Liuyuanzhen, Gansu Province, China

Rolling through the Ebony

Rolling through
A land of crushed ebony
Tarry asphalt dividing
The slender white lane markers
And scrubby tufts of amber

I scramble up an ebony mound
To find a landscape of ebony mounds
Growing to distant mountains
All of the same ebony skin

“At least,” I think, out loud
Into the air so dry
It swallows up the words
Right off my tongue
“the falling sun seems less
Like a fire
On a cast-iron skillet.”

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Giants, Badlands, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada

Giant ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #158

There I stood, at the feet of giants, myself measuring no taller than the smallest of their toes, and standing as high in my own shoes as possible. One giant leaned down, only slightly, though the Earth trembled beneath his shifting weight. He peered at me, squinting, as I would to better observe an insect trundling across my boot. A snort. Dismissive. The earth heaved again as he rose. The atmosphere rumbled with his voice.

“I beg your pardon if this offends you,” he began, it seemed to me, in rather gentle tone for a being known to have bellowed up a hurricane, “but you seem mighty small for something which calls itself ‘King of this land and all the land you’ve ever known,’ some small trifle claiming to command us, the Brethren of the Mountains, as his subjects.” Gentle, perhaps, but not without a significant undertone of malice.

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Bentonite, Badlands, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada


This flowing earth
Which rain does melt
And sun does bake
To make a hide
A flesh so tough
Naught but steel
Can break its skin

And like the earth
I’m toughening
To love’s torment
I keep it out
Pretense: content

But even steel
Can’t cleave my soul
And never could
Through toughest hide
I feel my heart

So soon enough
I’ll find my way
To safety’s arms
Then shed this skin
To let you in

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Authenticity, Ming Sha Shan, Mountains of Singing Sands, Dunhuang, Gansu, China


Quiet mind

If nothing comes
Find a prompt
(Photographs usually work.)
Start again

Quiet mind

Write what comes
Don’t argue with the words

It’s OK to not like what they say
Write them anyway

It’s OK to not have the right words

Write down the wrong words
The right ones can be found later

Wait or pause whenever it feels
Like the words aren’t coming… yet
Or the meaning isn’t right… yet
And the right way isn’t present… yet

Quiet mind

Take the time
To let them come
To let them flow

When they flow
Don’t stop

Stop, when it feels OK to stop
Stop, when the words feel true

If the words feel true
They are authentic

Whether or not they seem beautiful
Whether or not they seem important
Whether or not they seem angry
Whether or not they seem loving
Whether or not they seem … whatever

This is the hard part

Whether or not they hurt a little to read
Or hurt a lot

It seems, though
Authentic words are never hurtful
Nor bitter
Nor righteous
There is no deceit in them
Nor guile

The ego is not authentic

Not all words which come
Need to be shared
Even authentic ones
Some words were only ever intended
To speak truly to a readership of one

But, consider sharing them anyway
The word could use a little more