A Moment of Repose

A Moment of Repose, Jama Masjid Mosque, Chandni Chowk (Old Delhi), New Delhi, India

I take a moment
Just to sit and be
In my own thoughts
My own body

Reflect on the emotions
All bottled up
Which fill me to overflowing

When they come
Leave the sluice gates open

Don’t restrict the flow

Let them wash over me
Allow them to take what they will

The torrent is hard
And full
A tumult of the repressed

When the tide finally ebbs
Walk the flood path
Take stock of the flotsam and jetsam
Retrieve what is dear and useful

Leave whatever is not
After thanking it
For the lessons

Insight comes
But not without its reckonings

And with these comes healing

A Moment of Repose
Jama Masjid Mosque
Chandni Chowk (Old Delhi)
New Delhi, India

Taken during travels, January 2017