Tag: shadow

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Shadow Selfie, Ming Sha Shan, The Mountains of Singing Sands, Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China


In the bright sun of day
I am shadow

A mask without a face
A smile without a reason
Laughter without glee

A sign of existence
Without presence

So I breathe
Bury my hand
In the hot sand

Shout out the pain
Of heat and grief
And emptiness

Give voice
To the being
Which once cast
The shadow

Until the voice
Becomes being
A vessel
For the light

The pain and grief
And emptiness
Become the shadow

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Becalmed, English Bay, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Becalmed ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #303

A grey day
Light flattened
By a thick
Midday haze

Made all the more grim
By my mood
Impenetrable as the atmosphere

From full steam
To dead ahead slow

All stations stop

Close my eyes
Deep breath

Not stopped
Diminished light emerges

Find the blue
In sky and  sea
Contrast highlight with shadow
Underway, with tranquil gratitude

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Into the Grey, Britannia Beach, Howe Sound, Sea to Sky Highway, British Columbia, Canada

On Carrying the Days

Time passes
The days accumulate

The good days
The bad days
The days that broke me
The days that healed me
The days I shone
The days I withdrew into shadow

These were the days which made me
These were the days of reckoning
These were the days which guide me

I carry them all
In my burgeoning knapsack
A dull weight
On my shoulders

Then one day
I realize
I carry a burden
Impeding my progress

So I stop at the side of the trail
Open my knapsack
Look inside

All these days!
All these dark days!
Why do I carry them?

I take out the bad days
Leave them beside the trail
Take out the broken days
Leave them beside the trail
Take out the days of shadow
Leave them beside the trail

The knapsack feels lighter
I walk easier
Manage even a skip in my step