Tag: creativity

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Waiting, Taken from a moving taxi, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Waiting ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #330

In a moment of sizzle
Humming fan blades
And the thrum of traffic

She waited
For some tasty tidbit
I couldn’t make out from the taxi

She thought about yesterday
And tomorrow
Last week and next month

She thought about everything
But this moment
And the tasty thing sizzling

Or the next moment
When the tasty thing would mercilessly
Burn her tongue oh so deliciously


Who’s to say any of this is true?
I was just a photographer living in the frame
Capturing serendipitous moments from a moving taxi

And now I’m just a poet
Listening to the words as they come
Trying to give them their moment

So all of it is fiction
Or maybe some of it is the truth
Though, hopefully

I’ve created something
Which at least
Speaks truly

Even if
It only speaks truly
About the act of creation

Or maybe, the story
Is just saying something truthful
About the creator

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A Bit of Infinite, Rogue River Gorge Falls, Oregon, United States of America

A Little Bit of Infinite

Despite the ways

My eyes can see
My ears can hear
My fingers feel
My tongue can taste
My nose knows scents

The world I sense
Is incomplete

And even with our cleverness
The tools we build
Extend each sense
Take me beyond
Known boundaries

The world I roam
Is but a part

To this I add
My wildest dreams
Absurd theories
Draw with words and pix
Artistic renderings

And yet

What mind and heart creates
Is in some sense
Quite finite

(I’ll reach my end
In time and space)

While the possible
Is infinite

Perhaps some day
I’ll spend my last
And come to know
What comes beyond

Then grasp at last
What it all means
Become myself
The infinite