Crossing Balance

Like a Bridge Over Travelled Water, Ram Jhoola, Ganges River (Ganga), Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

I cross

Between right and left
Between green and greener
Between here and there
Between past and future
Between mind and body

Every crossing
I behold a few
Who travel the path of balance
At the fulcrum of existence

Neither right nor left but centred
Neither green nor greener, only grass
Neither here nor there but connected to all
Neither past nor future, only this moment
Both mind and body experienced from spirit

The bridge offers choices between opposites
The river flows with the possibility of all things

On Bridges and Rivers
Ram Jhula (the bridge)
Ganges River (Ganga)
Uttarakhand, India

Taken during travels, 2017

NaPoWriMo ’24, day 24 of 30
The Ram Jhula suspension bridge over the Ganga (Ganges River). A constant stream of pedestrians, scooters, motorcycles and monkeys. (Be very wary of the monkeys!)