
Gallery Exhibit, Goosenecks State Park, Utah, United States of America
Power snakes through epochs
Scale lost in time and space
Human stands on canyon edge


Goosenecks State Park
Six Photographs on Stretched Canvas

Utah, United States of America

Taken during travels, 1995

In response to Thesaurus Game‘s challenge: Roam

I chose Roam from these synonyms: drift, meander, prowl, ramble, saunter, snake, stray, stroll, traipse, tramp, trek, wander….

Want to Play?

First, pick a synonym from below. Now tell us what you picked in a comment. If you like, add a few words (or a bunch of words) about why you picked it. Or maybe use it to inspire a poem or micro-fiction or… well, anything you like.

Some Snake Synonyms:

serpent, ophidian, traitor, twist, wind, curl, coil, cheat, swindler, viper… more synonyms

EZPZ, right?

Just … play nice. (Check out the conditions of play if you’re not sure what nice means. ;))

You can also play by replying to any of the comments other people post. Use a thesaurus to find a synonym for the word in the comment, and reply with that.

Advanced Play

Want to play the advanced game? Pick your synonym and use it as inspiration to create a new blog post: words, images, sound, video … just about anything, really.

You can think of Thesaurus Game as a one-word creativity prompt, but instead of giving you the one word, you’re getting a list of synonyms to choose your one word (or synonymous phrase) from.

  • In your post, say you are replying to the “Thesaurus Game Challenge”.
  • Tell us your response is for “Snake”
  • Tell us which synonym you’ve chosen
  • Add a link to this post
  • Please (optional) also add a link to Thesaurus Game.
  • Use the #ThesaurusGame tag in your post
  • Add these rules to your post, if you like.

Adding the rules to your post will make it a sort of remote “mini-hub” for the game. People can play the Thesaurus Game in your comments, and can link to your post from theirs.

Here are the full Thesaurus Game rules.