Tag: microfiction

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Tenacious Life, Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada

Scraped Clean

The way life clung
To the cracks and crevices
Of the hard rock cliffs
Fascinated him

He imagined it 
Like the bottom trawlers 
That once dragged The Banks
For cod and haddock

Rather than nets, though
It was glaciers that scraped 
The cliff face smooth
Erasing all signs of life

It took thousands of years
Of time and erosion
For life to eek out
This small foothold

His grandfather used to tell him
About throwing a bucket
Over the side
And cod would fill it up

When they closed the cod fishery
It was like another ice age
Swept across Newfoundland
Few fishers survived it

He imagined the ocean floor
Scraped clean by the trawlers
And wondered how long
Before the cod came back

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Top 'o the Mornin' to ya!, St. David's (Crabbe's River) Harbour, Newfoundland (and Labrador), Canada

Imperfect Hopes

He woke
Later than intended
Sunlight streamed
Through the trailer window

He pulled his boots
Over his socks
And clambered out

From the cliff edge
He saw most boats
Were still in the harbour
“That’s good,” he thought

He rushed back into the trailer
Pulled his pants on over the boots
Grabbed the bag with his gear
Made sure the trailer was secure

In the truck
He hoped for the worst
For some other bloke
So there’d be an open spot on a boat

It wasn’t a hope
He liked to hope
But he needed the work
And someone else had to lose out

It was either that
Or over to the cafe
And then the pub
To nurse whatever drink was before him

There was barely enough money for that
But even less to make the trailer
A place he wanted to spend
Any more than a restless night in

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The World Comes Apart, Cannon Beach, Oregon, United States of America


The world comes apart a little
As I drag myself up onto the shore
Desperate to make the high tide line
Before exhaustion consumes my consciousness
Which seems already sparsely rational

The flood tide saved me
Put land within my reach
But while the Moon is a compassionate Goddess
The Sea Lord is greedy
And eagerly awaits Her waning influence
To drag me back to His depths

Hand over hand I crawl
Wet sand beneath my nails
Sodden clothes a sullen weight
Every laboured breath sputters salt water
Until my eyes roll back
With a final thought

I hope this is far enough

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Breakers Far Below, Oregon Coast Highway 101, Oregon, United States of America

A Smile Above the Breakers

Hers was an exquisite beauty
Not the kind to command
Covers or runways
That puts a name
Up in lights or lead a headline

Her beauty commanded a second look
The kind you missed on a first take
And yes, it was there on the surface
But more, it ran deep

In her bearing
In the way she made others
The center of her world

Her smile flowed
From every feature of her being

To receive one was to be blessed

The first time
She gave me that gift

It was through a tangle of locks
Tossed about in the wind
The sound of breakers far below

My heart knew only one person
In the entirety of existence
And it took years to convince it
That there were other smiles in the universe

Some time after I’d grown beyond the desire to possess her
Our group of friends retraced that old road trip
And on this same point, through tousled locks
She gave me again that heart-stirring smile
But this time said

“I think I am falling in love with you.”

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An Unknown Shore, Gold Beach, Oregon, United States of America

An Unknown Shore

I’ve washed up
On an unknown shore
Clear of the wreckage
From which I’d drifted
Alone on an empty sea


But OK

I spit sand and salt
From my parched mouth




But first

So up now
Onto the roiling sea of dunes
With their smaller wavelets
Of grasses in the wind

From the tallest
Scan up and down the shore
Only waves of ocean and grass
And the tidal strip of sand between

No people
Or signs of habitation
Or even a trickle of water
Splitting the dunes
To join its salty objective

A barren of pines
Obscures whatever topography
Or structures
May be beyond

At the forward fringe
Where dunes meet forest


Windswept trees become soon enough
A thickly boughed and wooded


I sit for a while
In the rustle of wind and sun
Watch the gulls soar
As their caws echo
The chatter of thoughts
Playing out silently in my mind

Ideas without a tide
Or a beach to wash up on
Soaring on an unseen wind

I am adrift in a familiar peace
The pleasures of moments lived fully
On sun and sand excursions
Whether accompanied or
As preference sometimes won out
An adventure of solitude

Before long
The harsh admonishments
Of sun and wind take their toll
And while chewing my lip
In meandering thought
A chapped bit of it tears away
Leaving the taste of iron
The sting of revealed dermis

The elements have reduced my options
To an accommodation with mortality 

Move or die
Shade or die

I strike out
Into the pines
With a good deal more hope
Than the conditions call for
That an unknown darkness
Has more to offer
Than the expanse of nothingness
I now know
Baking already
Under the intensity
Of a morning sun

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Close Your Eyes, Time Exposure of some Random Netflix Show


She closed her eyes
Heaved a sigh
Then made the choice
She’d always made
And always would

Don’t let the bastards get you down
She whispered
Drew another breath

Don’t let the bastards get you down
She said
Drew another breath

Don’t let this bastard get you down
She growled
Then held what remained of her breath

Until she could hold it no longer
Then simply let the breath go
And with it went all the bastards

Even the one who stood before her
Who knew her well enough
That there was no coming back
Once the door closed behind him

She listened for the squeaky hinge
The groaning spring
As the door slammed shut
With satisfying finality

Boots clattered across the porch
Down the steps
Scattering gravel in the drive

A creaky metal door opened
Then screeched shut

Two roars of an engine
The second sprayed gravel
Onto the porch
While the roar  drew away
Into the insurmountable distance
Just as he had over the last month

Soon enough the birdsong dispelled her reverie
And when she opened her eyes
The world already seemed brighter
With nary a bastard in sight