Tag: Ming Sha Shan

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Shadow Selfie, Ming Sha Shan, The Mountains of Singing Sands, Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China


In the bright sun of day
I am shadow

A mask without a face
A smile without a reason
Laughter without glee

A sign of existence
Without presence

So I breathe
Bury my hand
In the hot sand

Shout out the pain
Of heat and grief
And emptiness

Give voice
To the being
Which once cast
The shadow

Until the voice
Becomes being
A vessel
For the light

The pain and grief
And emptiness
Become the shadow

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Shadow in the Singing Sands

Shadow in the Singing Sands

Dragging my feet along the dune’s crest I notice the shadow falling away in the sand. Stopped, I am a willowy figure, impossibly tall, in a cloudless, windless expanse of sand beyond my cinematic imagination. A lone — lonely — silhouette for whom the Mountains of Singing Sands do not offer a whisper. Isolation. Solitude.

Framing the picture is easy, but the figure… the figure lacks form. A couple of poses make no improvement, until I hold my left arm out and the camera strap falls from my shoulder.