Cold Blue Sky

Tantalus Mountain Range, Near Squamish, British Columbai, Canda
From a cold blue sky
Falls a star-like sun
Into puffy clouds
Blanket sharp-ridged peaks

With the day near done
Laying back, warm sun
Close my weary eyes
Breathe a heavy sigh

Find my peace again
Let my mind go still
The world enters me
I become all things

I’m the cold blue sky
I’m the star-like sun
I’m the puffy clouds
I’m the sharp-edged peaks

I am only breath
I am only breath
I am only breath
I am only breath

I am everything

The Tantalus Range
Sea to Sky Highway
North of Squamish
British Columbia, Canada, 2016
April is National Poetry Month and I am participating in the National Poetry Writing Month challenge (NaPoWriMo) — 30 poems in 30 days. Though, I’ll no doubt write more than 30. šŸ˜‰ All the poetry I write this month can be found here.

This post is also a response to this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge, Landscape.