Tag: eternity

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Carapace and Claw, Cannon Beach, Oregon, United States of America

Carapace and Claw

What’s left behind
On this near side of eternity
Shell of existence
Shadow legacy

Husk of memories kept alive
By those who’d known the shell
But never the true nature
Of what it protected

Too the trails
Footfalls left in the sand
Evidence of passing presence
Echoes oft anonymous

No matter all this
Tides soon enough erase
While echoes fade
To silence

So cling to hope
For something beyond
The far side of death
Or suffer the fear of oblivion

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Wispy Skies, Zion National Park, Utah, United States of America

Will of the Wisp

My presence in this moment
Is but a wisp of a cloud
In a windswept sky
A drop of rain
In the eons of torrents
Which gouge a canyon
From a plateau of stone

Try as I might
I cannot grasp
The monumental meaningless
Of my own existence
Leaving me to acknowledge
The incalculable significance
Of drawing a single breath

Here am I
An infinitesimal ephemeral wisp
In the cloud-strewn sky
Of existence
Claiming my glorious place
In the magnificence
As if a passing moment in eternity
Were eternity itself

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Arc of the Earth, Smokey River Valley, Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada

The Mere Fact of Existence

Feeling the arc of Earth
Below me
Thick with sky

Crossing terrain and distance
The minutes pass as days once did
For greater men than me
When only Prometheus
Had tested the sky

The land rolls by
All the while stoking awe

Not just for historical men
Bound to Earth
Also for this small speck of stone
This mote of blue
With its invisible billions
In an incomprehensible emptiness

Then, awe too for this small speck of flesh
His hubris of no small magnitude
Believing he matters at all
For the mere fact of knowing his existence

His feeble attempt for eternity
Words released into the twin fantasies
Of consciousness and silicone

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Sunset Silhouette, Athabasca Glacier, Rocky Mountains, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada-Edit copy

Rock ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #110

A trail through loose stone scattered
Gouged from mountains, crushed by time and ice, now at rest
Here I, immersed in the hiker’s mindful peace
Each measured step a meditative breath

Though, could I see
The immensity of time
With the eyes of this still young Earth

Then peaceful moment lost
Turmoil and cataclysm of tumbling land

And in those eyes, what am I?

But a mote of dust
Lost to infinity