Tag: spirit

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Trust, Poster on Corrugated Tin, On location for Fringe, Season 5, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


She was broken and battered
Her ability to love
Damaged and misaligned
And yet

There was to her
A tenacious spirit
She grappled despair
And brought it down
Smothering the darkness
Not so much with light
But with a glimmer

I thought it was hope
But it was trust
Not just the kind
Given to others
But the kind given to self
Given to circumstances
Given to time, and possibility

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Sunrise, Canyonlands National Park, From The Knoll, Moab, Utah, United States of America

Immensity and Nothingness

In a land criss-crossed sparingly by roads
Some asphalt, most gravel
Many traversable only on foot
I seek the high ground
To watch the dawn photons
In their ambient amber
Illuminate the vast expanse of atoms
That are rock and atmosphere and life itself

There are rare moments of connection
When I can “see” all that is
Know that I am some infinitesimal
Small part of it all