Tag: humor

Nature’s Dance

I like to imagine
Mother Nature kicking back
In her Adirondack
Enjoying the majestic dance
Of her creation
Choreographed with geological rhythm

The chuckles she must chortle
As all her little creatures
Scurry about the stage
Like so many Keystone Kops
In a silent era comedy
None more ridiculous
Than we

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Amphitrite Point Lighthouse Sunset, Wild Pacific Trail, Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Orange ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #209

“So, nothing rhymes with orange?”
Flatly, she queried
Briskly popping a lozenge
“Nothing of a kind or range
To soothe the poet’s quest for words
While waxing on such juicy fruit?”

“Not one,” said he
With a tone of

“Well, what then of Blorange?
Which the Welsh named a peak
Then too there’s sporange
A spore sack, so say scientist geeks

“Ah, so indeed there are rhymes!”
Said he, though shaking his head
“But, what poet would use them?
Such odd freakish terms
I’d be seen as deranged!”

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Giants, Badlands, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada

Giant ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #158

There I stood, at the feet of giants, myself measuring no taller than the smallest of their toes, and standing as high in my own shoes as possible. One giant leaned down, only slightly, though the Earth trembled beneath his shifting weight. He peered at me, squinting, as I would to better observe an insect trundling across my boot. A snort. Dismissive. The earth heaved again as he rose. The atmosphere rumbled with his voice.

“I beg your pardon if this offends you,” he began, it seemed to me, in rather gentle tone for a being known to have bellowed up a hurricane, “but you seem mighty small for something which calls itself ‘King of this land and all the land you’ve ever known,’ some small trifle claiming to command us, the Brethren of the Mountains, as his subjects.” Gentle, perhaps, but not without a significant undertone of malice.

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Kakadu Too

Kakadu 4WD 4-Day Trip Algorithm

Backpacking Australia Ltd.
Kakadu 4WD 4-Day Trip algorithm:

initial state — Darwin, dawn;

Day 1: drive, heat, water, sweat, swim, flies, drive, eat, hike, flies, water, dirt, water, flies, heat, water, sweat, water, dust, flies, water, swim, flies, flies, flies, drive, water, dust, water, eat, flies, dark, dirt, flies, water, camp, beer, dirt, flies, eat, beer, mossies, mossies, sleep, mossies, mossies, wake-up, sleep, mossies, wake-up, sleep, mossies, dawn, crows, wake-up, flies