Tag: bicycle

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Blackened Earth, Highway G215, Nearing Liuyuanzhen, Gansu Province, China

Rolling through the Ebony

Rolling through
A land of crushed ebony
Tarry asphalt dividing
The slender white lane markers
And scrubby tufts of amber

I scramble up an ebony mound
To find a landscape of ebony mounds
Growing to distant mountains
All of the same ebony skin

“At least,” I think, out loud
Into the air so dry
It swallows up the words
Right off my tongue
“the falling sun seems less
Like a fire
On a cast-iron skillet.”

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Obscured Path, White Lake Trail, White Lake Grasslands, Okanagan Falls, British Columbia, Canada

Obscured ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #49

I follow the obscured path
Tall grass licking my legs
Tickling the spokes
Going “teedle teedle teedle”
While handlebars cut a swath
Parting a bow wave in the ocean of grass

It’s like swimming through a sea
Of stems and raspy leaves
The stiff breeze wrestles up a wave
Which rolls across the grassland and trees
A moment of cool in the sun roasted air
Which clings to my lips, dries my lungs