Category: Landscape

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Tenacious Life, Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada

Scraped Clean

The way life clung
To the cracks and crevices
Of the hard rock cliffs
Fascinated him

He imagined it 
Like the bottom trawlers 
That once dragged The Banks
For cod and haddock

Rather than nets, though
It was glaciers that scraped 
The cliff face smooth
Erasing all signs of life

It took thousands of years
Of time and erosion
For life to eek out
This small foothold

His grandfather used to tell him
About throwing a bucket
Over the side
And cod would fill it up

When they closed the cod fishery
It was like another ice age
Swept across Newfoundland
Few fishers survived it

He imagined the ocean floor
Scraped clean by the trawlers
And wondered how long
Before the cod came back

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Waterfall in the Mist, Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada

grey ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #346

“Too bad about the weather,” she says

I’m framing a photograph
Camera in hand though not to eye, just yet

“Yesterday was perfect
Bright and sunny
Not a cloud in the sky”

I like today just fine, I tell her
As a frame begins to form in my mind’s eye

“But it’s so dismal and grey!”

Blue skies at noon
Are a bright, empty smile

She looks at me, head tilted
It’s a sky without character, mood
The light falls straight down, casts no shadows

Still the look
It’s dull

“You prefer dour to dull?”

I do
“Perhaps that says more about you.”

I smile, and nod
Half because, perhaps, she’s right
And half because I’ve found the frame

Camera to eye … click
I show her the screen

“Oh! That’s beautiful!”

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Top 'o the Mornin' to ya!, St. David's (Crabbe's River) Harbour, Newfoundland (and Labrador), Canada

Imperfect Hopes

He woke
Later than intended
Sunlight streamed
Through the trailer window

He pulled his boots
Over his socks
And clambered out

From the cliff edge
He saw most boats
Were still in the harbour
“That’s good,” he thought

He rushed back into the trailer
Pulled his pants on over the boots
Grabbed the bag with his gear
Made sure the trailer was secure

In the truck
He hoped for the worst
For some other bloke
So there’d be an open spot on a boat

It wasn’t a hope
He liked to hope
But he needed the work
And someone else had to lose out

It was either that
Or over to the cafe
And then the pub
To nurse whatever drink was before him

There was barely enough money for that
But even less to make the trailer
A place he wanted to spend
Any more than a restless night in

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Roots on the Trail, Middle Head Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada


Thoughts take root in my mind
Distractions laid upon the clear path
Undermine rhythm and pace
Obscure the way



Let go the thoughts
Let go of thinking
Let go the desire for distraction


Let in the clarity of The Way


The true path revealed




Step, step

I cannot think the path into being
I cannot follow what is not already there

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Teardrop in the Twilight, 2358 Cow Bay Road, Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada


9:25PM, August 20, 2023 :: Keltic Lodge, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada

A man with a guitar and a good, traditional folk voice plays a variety of songs I might expect, though most I’ve never heard before. Still, the Gordon Lightfoot, Valdy and George Harrison were lovely, as have all the songs I’ve never heard before.  

I have to admit, I’m not listening all that closely, sitting on an overstuffed couch in the Keltic Lodge’s lounge. I can’t see him, either, since there’s a pillar obscuring the view.

However, I have power and WiFi here, and those have been in short supply the last few days, especially the power. The battery in the trailer hasn’t had a full charge since leaving Prince Edward Island, and the last couple days I haven’t driven enough to make up for the consumption of the various devices I use daily. So, I’m hovering on the edge of not being able to power the fridge. To keep it going I’ve limited charging phone, computer, batteries.  

Limiting the charging means I have to limit the use, especially the power hungry laptop, which is why today’s post is coming later in the day than I’d like, and why I’ll have a hard time posting tomorrow’s Pic and a Word Challenge in a timely manner. The lounge is only open ’til 11PM and it’s now 10:39.

This has definitely been a journey of learning. I look at this photo and think of a couple of things. First: I’m trying to stop for the night before it’s actually night. I didn’t quite make it the night this photo was taken a few days ago. Late arrivals don’t leave any time to enjoy (and photograph) the location with decent light. And while I’ve got light, cooking (and eating) in the dark isn’t a lot of fun, especially with all the mosquitoes and other biting insects that come out as the sun sets.

Aside from that little logistical shortcoming, what I also register is the fact that nearly everything I hold dear is in that rig: cameras and lenses, computer and hard drives loaded with words and photographs, my bicycle, that beat-up but still remarkably reliable, Toyota Rav4.

The teardrop I haven’t made up my mind about.  On the one hand, teardropping is hella better than car camping. Quick to setup and breakdown, and I can park it for the night in all kinds of places (for free) that a tent just won’t work. Huge bonus: a thick memory foam double sized mattress. No leaky and too-thin air mattresses on hard, rocky uneven ground.  No crouching to clamber/crawl in and out of a soggy tent flap. I really can’t stress what a huge bonus this is.

But as a long-term solution for getting both off-grid and mobile, it’s probably not the answer. I still haven’t figured out a way to be comfortable hanging out if the weather (or the biting insects) are being disagreeable. The trailer’s sleeping area has served on such occasions, but only because there were no other options.  It’s fine for lying down, but sitting up just doesn’t quite work.

A better option for this would be a Campervan or Class C Camper, but those consume a fair bit more fuel than the RAV4, even when it’s pulling a 1,200 pound trailer. That may work for future trips, but this one needed to cover long distances in a short time, so fuel economy was a big consideration.

So in the meantime I suppose I’ll have to add some sort of cover to lounge under. I just haven’t decided what form that cover should take.  Pop-up tent with mosquito screens? Or just a tarp stretched over a comfortable space? I’ve seen both these work for others. Or maybe something else altogether?

Hmmmm…  I don’t have an answer yet. Need to come up with one soon. I’m beginning to find a groove in this teardropping thing. Maybe the answer will make itself clear with a bit more groove?