Tag: hope

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Waiting for the Train, From the New Delhi to Agra Express Train, Uttar Pradesh, India


We wait
This cold wet morning
For a train that is never on time

Huddled and swaddled
Against the chill
The platform
Covered from the rainy mist
But the breeze bites
Even through the blankets

In a mood neither bleak nor hopeful
But resolute and assured
For while the train is late
It is all but inevitable
And will take us from here
To somewhere else

Where somewhere else
May be work
Or home
Or family or friends
Somewhere we’ll find
Something we need
Or let go of something we don’t

Perhaps the only value
Of waiting here
Is to be able to step off
Somewhere else
Somewhere that is not here

For the moment
That is enough

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Dust on the Prairie Wind, Empress, Alberta, Canada

Dust ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #349

The pickup passes
Flicking a long tail of dust
Which prairie winds
Spread like golden icing
Across a latent landscape
Under sunset sky

Farmland is always a realm
Of hope and promise
And possibility
While also of heartbreak
And tragedy and ruin
As is any venture reliant
On the whims of nature

A single storm defines
The outcome of an entire season
For good or ill
Is saviour or saboteur

Or, as here, in Empress
No storm comes at all
And the glory of a golden-hour transformation
Only masks the calamity of dust