The Gate

Gaudi Gate, Casa Vicens, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Closed and locked
By gate obscured
As well as blocked

While I

Peer through the gaps

At what I could never have

While those

Lead a life
Purposefully removed
From the gate’s other side

Gaudi Gate
Casa Vicens
Catalonia, Spain

Taken during travels, 2019

Just to be clear, and in all honesty, the “I” in this poem is not I. I have done well enough in life, even considering the accident of birth which put me in a middle to upper-middle class white family in North America. No, the “I” of the poem definitely sees me through the gaps.

NaPoWriMo 2020
Day Fifteen; Poem Two
Thirty poems total

#stayhome #washyourhands #wearamask #writepoetry