Diminutive ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #118

City on the Bay, Vancouver, From Jericho Beach, British Columbia, Canada
I like the cities best
When they seem small

     Dwarfed by sky and clouds
     Or in the mountain’s shadow
     Some small dot upon the plain

Not so much larger
Than its inhabitants
Nor any one who on the streets
Looks up at towers looming
Considering what hands have built
In any way diminishes
The smallest human being

City on the Bay
From Jericho Beach
British Columbia, Canada, 2017
Last week we found ourselves expanding upon Infinity. This week, let’s put the Diminutive under the looking-glass. Or find something else to inspire your creativity in this photograph of the Vancouver skyline dwarfed by sky and cloud and English Bay.

The Pic and a Word Challenge is a weekly creativity prompt offered Sundays.

Each week I provide a photograph of mine along with a single word. The challenge? Use the pic and/or word as points of inspiration to create something — a photograph, a painting, prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, longread or just a few words. You are welcome to use these two elements (photograph and word) literally, thematically or metaphorically. If you create both images and words, all the better.

To participate:

  • Use any title you like
  • Your response can be words and/or an image
  • You may use my image in your post, or any image you have created
  • Place the challenge’s Pic (if you use it for inspiration) and Word prominently in your post
  • Mention that you are responding to the Pic and a Word Challenge
  • Add a link to this post in your response

To help us find your response — whether on WordPress, Instagram, Flicker, Tumblr, etc. — you can also:

  • Add a comment on this post to announce your response
  • Apply the tag/hashtag “Pic and a Word Challenge” or “#picandawordchallenge” to your post

Each week, I’ll list the previous week’s responses at the end of the new challenge. I may also share some on my social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc.

Last week’s challenge: Infinity
Small Craft and Infinity, Bowen Island, Howe Sound, From Horseshoe Bay, British Columbia, Canada
Challenge #117 ~ Infinity
The word for last week’s Pic and a Word Challenge #117 was Infinity, along with this photograph of the crescent moon in a darkening sky over Bowen Island and Howe Sound in British Columbia, Canada.

Three bloggers expanded upon Infinity this week. 😉 Thanks everyone! =)

View all the Pic and a Word Challenges, including the current challenge, on the Pic and a Word Challenge tag page.