Granite and Lichen, Nicolum Valley, Cascade Mountains, British Columbia, Canada

On the Beauty of Tones & Textures

I am enthralled
With all of Earth
In its many tones
And textures

Such varieties
Among societies
So much beauty
In its peoples

Nothing stuns me more
Than when some implore
There’s but room enough
For One

This makes me take a sigh

Our one was never
Just this One
We’re all
A moving target

As it should be
This world we see
Is all but
Of our making

We think, we all
We know so much
The truth is of
Our grasping

But truth be told
I do not love
This beauty you’re

Of monotones
And people clones
Of all alike

There’s so much more
Now I implore
You look again
At texture

A thousand looks
Of lichen here
Upon this
Granite rock

Each of them
A simple thing
All in all
A thing of


Lichen on Granite
Hope Slide
Nicolum Valley
Cascade Mountains
British Columbia, Canada

Taken during travels, 2016