Hugging the Coast

Pacific Coast Highway, Northern California, United States of America
I love the roadways
Which hug the coastline
Where the breakers fall upon the rocks
So the sea-spray mists my windshield

I dance along the roly poly
Climb and dive and swerve and wiggle
Ocean by my side
Land rising and falling beneath my tires

I am a being of time and space
Of velocity and inertia
Of earth and sea and wind and sky
With all the windows rolled down

The heat of the sun
The smell of salt air
I stop and listen
To waves and gulls and onshore winds

Then I climb back into steel
Roll rubber on asphalt
And burn up the miles
On the knife’s edge of land and sea

Pacific Coast Highway
Northern California, United States of America

Taken during travels, 2009

April is National Poetry Month and I am participating in the National Poetry Writing Month challenge (NaPoWriMo) — 30 poems in 30 days. Although, I’ve gotten a bit ahead — this is poem #39. =)

All the poetry I write for National Poetry Writing Month can be found tagged as #NaPoWriMo.