Where the ends of earth and sea meet

Near San Francisco, Pacific Coast Highway, California, United States of America
I walk along the knife’s edge
Where the ends of earth and sea meet
Where the waves count out time
In the infinite coil of moments

Here am I
Somewhere between
Dawn and dusk
The sun a peripheral influence

Breathing deeply
The salt and oxygen
The stuff of life
The stuff of manifestation

Suspended between
Being and non-being
As my mind dallies
With the sights, sounds and sensations

Of existence

Pacific Coast Highway
North of San Francisco
California, United States of America

Taken during travels, 2009

There is a very small figure, walking along the beach, along the edge of a wave, along the knife’s edge of where the ends of earth and sea meet.

April is National Poetry Month and I am participating in the National Poetry Writing Month challenge (NaPoWriMo) — 30 poems in 30 days. Although, I’ve gotten a bit ahead — this is already #33. =)

All the poetry I write for National Poetry Writing Month can be found tagged as #NaPoWriMo.