
Howe Sound, Sea to Sky Highway, Britannia Beach, British Columbia, Canada
The detritus
Which washes up
On my shore

I wonder at it
Why it won’t just
Wash away

Instead, oh instead
It just piles up

My mistakes…

I hold the tides
I hold them back
On my shores

The revelation
It strikes me deep
It won’t wash

It won’t wash away
Until I let the tide
Tides roll out

The tide rolls in
Carries it in

And I hold on
The detritus
Make it mine

I make it me
The tide rolls in
I hold on

I make it me
I can’t let go

Won’t wash away
Until I let
Let them go

My mistakes…

Howe Sound
Sea to Sky Highway
Britannia Beach
British Columbia, Canada, 2016
April is National Poetry Month and I am participating in the National Poetry Writing Month challenge (NaPoWriMo) — 30 poems in 30 days. Though, I’ll no doubt write more than 30. 😉 All the poetry I write this month can be found here.

This post is also a response to this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge, Landscape.