Time Goes Every Year

Graffiti, Bon's Off Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Time goes every year
And never comes back
Yet always comes around
To the same time

And here am I
Year over year
Setting down my characters
Setting down my letters

Like Brodie
Who overwrote Kara
Who overwrote… somone
Now too obscured to read

All a bid for temporary
Lost on an ever-changing wall
That is always the same

Bon’s Off Broadway
British Columbia, 2016

Bon’s Off Broadway is a dive, a greasy spoon, and a hallowed hang for millenials and emo-kids and other folks whose sense of style and cool doesn’t come pret-a-porter. It’ll also sell you ham and eggs with hashbrowns and toast for $2.95, and a bottomless cup of coffee you can flush an engine with for $1. The walls — bright canary yellow stucco — are festooned with evenly spaced movie posters (installed by management — that being Bon) and the odd signed band picture. Add to that a sea of graffiti and stickers and graffiti on stickers. Terse little sayings over-written by caricatures and rosebuds, most written in black sharpie, though some of the artists think ahead and bring pigments of one variety or another. The walls are dense with it. The booths and posters too.

More posts from Bon’s.

Inspired by well, Bon’s… but also with Alphabet in mind, this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.