The eye of the world upon me

Beach sand under an advancing tide, Chesterman Beach Tofino British Columbia, Canada
I sat
Settled myself
Turned my consciousness inward
And breathed

Breathing in
Breathing out

In the quiet
I observed
The peace
Of my mind
Of my body

I observed
The clothes
Settling against my skin

I sensed the sand
And the ocean
Lapping at the beach
Salt in the air
The sun
And it’s warmth
On my brow
Where the wind tousled my bangs

So I quieted my senses
Reached deeper inside
With my breath

Breathing in
Breathing out

Until my breath became the wind
My body became the sand
My being became the ocean

The source
Of all things
And the reservoir
To which all things return

Connecting to all things

And there I sat

Breathing in
Breathing out

Until I felt a gaze
Not upon the sitting me
A gaze upon my being
The eye of the world upon me

Mind, awakened, quietly suggested

“If you are connected to all things
Perhaps all things are connected to you
All things must also observe”

So there I sat
A being
Connecting to all things
All things connecting
To my being
Until my being
And all things
Become one

Breathing in
Breathing out

Mind returned to its quiet

I sat
The eye of the world upon me
Gazing back
Into the infinite eye

Mind whispered one last thought

“Achieving oneness
That eye
Your Eye”

There is no you”

And no mind
I reminded it
Now, quiet you

Breathing in
Breathing out

Beach Sand
Beneath an ebbing wave
Of a rising tide
Chesterman Beach
British Columbia, Canada

Taken during travels, 2015