
Sunrise at Sunset Point, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, United States of America
One day in practice
Mind quiet
Body still
I sensed a flame
Burning deep within

As I turned
My mind to it
It rose
And rose again
Into a mighty fire

I turned away
Tamped it down
Put it away
Returning to my quiet

And in that peace
I lingered on
Though I began to notice
In the mirror
Behind my eyes

The fire, still, did burn

I saw it too
In the eyes of others
In some a fire
In some a candle
The rest, it barely smolders

But I remember one
From long before
The blaze she turned on me
Whereupon I fled
It was too much to see

Her fire had startled me

Today I sit
In quiet mind
And seek the flame within
Not to snuff it
But to fan it

I’ll stoke the fire that’s me

I cannot gaze
Into the hearts of others
And hold their soulful flames
Until I’ve held my own glory
And learn to stoke the blaze

Sunrise at Sunset Point
Bryce Canyon National Park
Utah, United States of America

Taken during travels, 1996