Sometimes I forget I’m alive

Sometimes I forget I'm alive
Sometimes I forget I’m alive
Until I inadvertently connect
With the subtle energy
Which sustains my being

Perhaps it’s a view of the ocean
Wind rustling my hair
Waves crashing to shore
Chill air penetrating my clothing

Or when just the right words come onto the page
I see an act of kindness, or beautiful gesture
Connect with an artist’s vision
Feel the bow cutting into the cello string

Maybe someone touches me, in just the right way
With their hand
Or their presence
Or the fact of their existence

No matter
I am awakened
And the resonance of AUM
Rumbles through my body

Even though I make no sound
It’s as though I sing the word aloud
From deep in my chest
My body trembles with it

I remember, then
Why AUM is the sacred word
The divine resonance
And I remember, I’m alive

Somewhere along the Oregon Coast
Pacific Highway
Oregon, United States of America

Taken during travels, 2009