Yellow Sky at Night

Yellow Sky at Night
The sun goes down while
The colour goes up
And it’s a beauty
A flood of neon yellow

How does the physics do that?

I climb up on top of the RV
For that 20 foot tall perspective
And shoot just one frame
Sometimes, you know that’s all you need

The wind pump, turned just the right way
The power lines, with that looping drape
Between unevenly spaced uprights
Down low, below the yellow’s
Transition to orange


Another day ends
On Route 66

Rangeland sunset
Route 66
near Alanreed
Texas, United States of America

Taken during travels, 1997

From a flood of humanity, to a sunrise flood and now, here, a sunset flood. This post is the third response to Flood, this week’s edition of Jennifer Nichole Wells’ wonderful photo prompts, One Word Photo Challenge.