Photo Essay: Sanding ~ Mistaken

For a chilling moment, Janice felt Oscar’s eyes on her back. Nearly frozen with fear, she managed to steal a glance, and there he was, eyes narrowed on her, ready to pounce. Heart and mind raced — even if her feet would not — is it too far to the dryer?

Then the image resolved. The stealthy tabby became a pile of beach towels thrown in a haphazard lump beside the washing machine.

Safe and warm beside the dryer duct, filled with gratifying relief, Jan returned to nibbling the dob of peanut butter she’d found in the corner, so close to home.

Until the trap snapped shut.

Fibreglass boat in dry dock
Britannia Beach
Sea-to-Sky Highway
British Columbia, Canada, 2015
The fourth in a series of photographs taken of a sailboat hull under renovation.

See the others in Photo Essay: Sanding.

These are also a response to this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge: ROY G. BIV, this image representing orange.

All the images in this WordPress Photo Challenge series: Roy G. Biv