Ocior! Ocior! Ocior!

Something I wrote last night for my writer’s group blog… a submission to another blog’s photo challenge, so the image isn’t mine. But it was quite evocative. 🙂

Will is a young sorcerer’s apprentice with a whimsical sense of magic and a precocious raw talent for prestidigitation. All this is going to land him in heaps of trouble with the Master Warlock if his spell casting attempts to alter what he sees through the Master’s crystal ball go awry.

Picture It and Write!This post is a response to Ermilia Blog’s weekly Picture it & Write! challenge. The blog mistresses provide an image (this week’s is to the right). You write a very short story or poem using the image as a prompt.

OK, so this is not a very short story. In fact, it’s become a #longreads, over 1,500 words. Ooops! But, sometimes, you just gotta go with the flow of the words. 😉

Oh, and I’ve set the Workshop category, so please, critique away in your ruthlessly gentle ways! 🙂

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