Where I’m Going

New Westminster Public Library, New Westminster, Vancouver, British Columbia
Sometimes, the path seems so clear
Not so much that I know where I’m going
But that I’m going where I know

No fixed destination
No long-term goal
No yellow brick road

But at every option
The path to choose
Is clear

Just keep my mind quiet
Listen to the inner voice
And the intuition comes

Character Globe Sculpture
New Westminster Public Library
New Westminster
British Columbia, Canada, 2015
A submission to the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge which is Abstract.

April is National Poetry Month and I am participating in the National Poetry Writing Month challenge (NaPoWriMo) — 30 poems in 30 days. Although, I’ve gotten a bit ahead — this is, I think, poem #43. =)

All the poetry I write for National Poetry Writing Month can be found tagged as #NaPoWriMo.